Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Farewell soon to 2010!

Gosh! It's been ages since I last submitted any post to my dearest BakeScapes blog. It's been a challenging couple of months. My hubby lost his Mom to old age and my stepfather passed away within the same week from cardiac complication. Life certainly has thrown its loop...a rather large one, I may add. We also experienced another loss closer to home and our heart. Well, I've been told many times over the length of my lifetime that 'what doesn't kill you, make you stronger'. We will see, won't we?

Anyway, we are thankful for many things in our life and for me personally, my lovely kitchen remains a sanctuary. And I am glad that my friends and family continue to make me busy with orders upon orders. I continue to learn to be better at baking and hope to gain more knowledge as the New Year looms.

So, here's an early farewell to 2010. You shall not be forgotten.


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