Monday, February 21, 2011

White Chocolate with White Chocolate Buttercream ... Utter Decadence!

The funny thing about white chocolate is that fact that there is hardly any cocoa in them. Seriously, what is the whole point? I'm not exactly a chocolate fanatic...savoury pastries would bring me down on my knees, thanking God. But I do appreciate a good chocolate bar once in a while and the darker and more bitter it is, the more I'd swoon. White chocolate is quite a fascinating entity though and quite tricky to use in baking. I've tried a few recipes over time but haven't actually came across one that I like. Anyway, I purchased a huge block of white chocolate the other to experiment. Since I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate, most of this lovely concoction went to my neighbour's kids. This is truly quite a decadent recipe and uses huge amount of chocolate. Just crazy sweet!


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